Publication details
Nyssen, J., Mitiku, H., Poesen, J., Deckers, J. & Moeyersons, J. 2000. ‘Les effets du ramassage des pierres sur la perte du sol et les récoltes en Dogua Tembien, Tigré, Ethiopie’. Bulletin Réseau Erosion, IRD, Montpellier, 19: 427-440. IRD Montpellier. (PR).
Article in a scientific Journal / Article in a Journal
The farmers of the Tigray highlands remove stones from their fields at their own initiative,
when they consider stone cover to be excessive. Moreover, farmers are often incited to remove
large numbers of stones of all sizes from their fields during soil and water conservation works
(stone bund building). Semi-structured interviews indicate that the farmers are often reluctant
to collect the smaller stones from the field surface, since they consider that these have a
positive impact on moisture and soil conservation. An on-farm experiment was carried out in a
field on vertic Cambisol (average slope: 12.5 %), 2 km east of Hagere Selam (sub-humid
climate). Before the beginning of the 1999 cropping season, during which a mixture of local
wheat varieties (Triticum spp.) was sown, stones were totally, partially or not removed from
12 subplots. After harvesting, sediment volume was measured in trenches at the downslope
end of each sub-plot and yield was measured. We found a significant negative relationship
between stone cover and soil loss. However, the positive relationship between stone cover andgrain and straw yield is weak. This is explained by the fact that due to soil and climatic
conditions the plot is not subject to drought problems. A recommendation resulting from this
study is not to remove the smaller stones from the fields’ surface during soil and water
conservation works and instead to put stone rich soil at the top of the stone bunds’ backfill.