PhD candidates (co-)supervised by the GeoRiskA team


Axel DEIJNS (2020-present), RMCA/VUB
“Geomorphic hazards and compound events in the western branch of the East African Rift”


Elise DUJARDIN (2022-present), KU Leuven/RMCA
“Quantifying the current and future extent and impacts of urban gullies in Africa”


Clemence IDUKUNDA (2021-présent), UNamur
“Assessing vulnerability to flood and landslide hazards in the North-Western Rwanda” 


Guy ILOMBE MAWE (2019-present), ULiège
“Predicting the susceptibility, expansion rate and impacts of urban gullies in the DRC”


Ephrem KAMATE KALEGHETSO (2020-present), KU Leuven/ULiège/RMCA/OVG/Université de Lubumbashi/Université de Goma
“Petrological study of Nyamulagira volcano, (North-Kivu, DR Congo): A tool for minimizing the threat of future eruptions on Goma’s population and surroundings”


Violet KANYIGINYA TWAGIRA (2019-present), RMCA/VUB/Mbarara University of Science and Technology 
“Natural hazards and their interactions under the lens of citizen science: a multi-hazard assessment for the South Western region of Uganda”


Toussaint MUGARUKA BIBENTYO (2019-present), RMCA/UGent/Université Officielle de Bukavu
“Geological and geomorphological controls on large landslides: North Tanganyika - Kivu Rift region”

Sofie Rolain

Sofie ROLAIN (2022-present), VUB
“Unravelling magma crustal dynamics through the study of lava lake systems”


Pascal SIBOMANA (2020-present), RMCA/ULiège/Rwanda Polytechnic
“Landslide distribution in the changing landscapes of the NW provinces of Rwanda”


Bram VALKENBORG (2023-present), VUB
“Spatial and temporal dynamics of geohydrological hazards in tropical Africa”