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Makanzu Imwangana, F., Dewitte, O., Michellier, C., Monsieurs, E. & Kervyn, F. 2018. ‘Challenges for developing strategies for natural hazard data collection in a poorly developed region with very low capacity: case study of the Kivu region in DR Congo’. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018. Book of abstracts, vol.20, . Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU2018-1433. (PR)
Nobile, A., Dille, A., Monsieurs, E., Basimike, J., Bibentyo, T. M., d’Oreye, N., Kervyn , F. & Dewitte, O. 2018. ‘Multi-Temporal DInSAR to Characterise Landslide Ground Deformations in a Tropical Urban Environment: Focus on Bukavu (DR Congo)’. Remote Sensing 10, special issue : Radar Interferometry for Geohazards. Basel, Switzerland : mdpi. DOI: doi:10.3390/rs10040626. URL: I.F. 3.244.
El Ouahabi, M., Hubert-Ferrari, A., Lebeau, H., Karabacak, V., Vander Auwera, J., Lepoint, G., Dewitte, O. & Schmidt, S. 2018. ‘Soil erosion in relation to land use changes in the Amik Lake sediments near the Antioch antique city during the last 4kyr’. The Holocene 28: 104-118. DOI: . I.F. 2.324.
Jacobs, L., Dewitte, O., Poesen, J., Sekajugo, J., Nobile, A., Rossi, M., Thiery, W. & Kervyn, M. 2018. ‘Field-based landslide susceptibility assessment in a data-scarce environment: the populated areas of the Rwenzori Mountains’. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 18: 105-124. DOI: . I.F. 2.510.
Dewitte, O., Van Den Eeckhaut, M., Demoulin, A. & Poesen, J. 2018. ‘Chapter 20 - Landslides in Belgium – two case studies in the Flemish Ardennes and the Pays de Herve’. In: Demoulin A. (ed), Landscapes and Landforms of Belgium and Luxembourg. Series ‘World Geomorphological Landscapes’. Dordrecht : Springer International Publishing, pp. 335-355. (PR) DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-58239-9.
Michellier, C. 2017. Contribuer à la prévention des risques d'origine géologique: l'évaluation de la vulnérabilité des populations dans un contexte de rareté de données. Les cas de Goma et Bukavu (RDCongo). VUB Press. 331 p. (PR) ISBN: 978 90 5718 690 5.
Monsieurs , E., Kirschbaum, D.B., Thiery, W., van Lipzig, N., Kervyn, M., Demoulin, A., Jacobs, L., Kervyn, F. & Dewitte, O. 2017. ‘Constraints on Landslide-Climate Research Imposed by the Reality of Fieldwork in Central Africa’. In: De Graff, J. V., Shakoor, A. (eds), 3rd North American Symposium on Landslides: Landslides: Putting Experience, Knowledge, and Emerging Technologies into Practice. Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists (AEG), pp. 158–168. (PR) ISBN: 978-0-9897253-7-8.
Kalikone, B.C., Teganyi, F., Dewitte, O. & Michellier, C. 2017. ‘Ground deformation impact on the vulnerability of water and electricity distribution networks in Bukavu (DR Congo)’. Geo-Eco-Trop 41/2: 279-282. (PR).
Michellier, c., Kervyn, F. & Dewitte, O. 2017. ‘From analysing geohazards to managing Georisks’. In: Wymann von Dach, S., Bachmann, F., Alcántara-Ayala, I., Fuchs, S., Keiler, M., Mishra, A. & Sötz, E. (eds), Safer lives and livelihoods in mountains: Making the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction work for sustainable mountain development. Bern : Centre for Development and Environment (CDE). (PR)
Smets, B., Kervyn, F. & Michellier, C. 2017. ‘Mapping the Virunga’. In: Van Schuylenbergh, P., de Koeijer, H. (eds), Virunga, Archives and Collections of an Outstanding National Park. Tervuren : Royal Museum for Central Africa, pp. 98-105. (PR) ISBN: 978-9-4926-6904-9.