

Publications Submenu

  • Monsieurs, E.,  Dessie, M.,  Verhoest, N.,  Poesen, J.,  Deckers, J.,  Adgo, E. & Nyssen, J. 2013. ‘Farming systems in Lake Tana basin, Ethiopia: land surface management and its impact on runoff response’. 7th symposium of Ghent Africa Platform. Book of abstracts.
  • Draidia, S.,  Havenith, H.-B.,  Almaz, T.,  Nibijira, L.,  Dewitte, O.,  Trefois, P. & Nkunzimana, A. 2013. ‘Contribution to the understanding of the mechanisms controlling slope instabilities near Bujumbura-Burundi’. Active Volcanism & Continental Rifting with special focus on the Kivu rift zone (AVCOR2013) Conference., Gisenyi, Rwanda, 12-14 November 2013. Book of abstracts.
  • Estrada Orozco, N.,  Schmitz, S.,  Demoulin, A.,  Cornet, Y. & Dewitte, O. 2013. ‘Susceptibilidad a deslizamiento una aproximación estadística en la parte alta de la cuenca del rio Naranjo’. Seminario internacional: organización comunitaria y ordenamiento en la prevensión de desastres, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala, Quetzaltenango, Guatemala, 25-27 September 2013. Book of abstracts.
  • Jones, A.,  Breuning-Madsen, H.,  Brossard, M.,  Dampha, A.,  Deckers, J.,  Dewitte, O.,  Gallali, T.,  Hallett, S.,  Jones, R.,  Kilasara, M.,  Le Roux, P.,  Michéli, E.,  Montanarella, L.,  Spaargaren, O.,  Thiombiano, L.,  Van Ranst, E.,  Yemefack, M. & Zougmore, R. 2013. ‘The Soil Atlas of Africa’. The 27th Soil Science Society of East Africa and 6th Africa Soil Science Society Conference, Kenya, Nakuru, 21-25 October 2013. Book of abstracts.
  • Dewitte, O.,  Jones, A.,  Spaargaren, O.,  Breuning-Madsen, H.,  Brossard, M.,  Dampha, A.,  Deckers, J.,  Gallali, T.,  Hallett, S.,  Jones, R.,  Kilasara, M.,  Le Roux, P.,  Michéli, E.,  Montanarella, L.,  Thiombiano, L.,  Van Ranst, E.,  Yemefack, M. & Zougmore, R. 2013. ‘Harmonisation of the soil map of Africa at the continental scale’. International Congress: Livelihood 2013 Sustainable livelihood in the tropical drylands, Ethiopia, Mekelle, 17-22 September 2013. Book of abstracts.
  • Kervyn, F.Smets, B. & d'Oreye, N. 2013. ‘InSAR study on the 2011 eruption at Nyamulagira volcano, D.R.C: lava flow emplacement and post-eruption groud deformation’. Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif, 9-13 Dec. Book of abstracts.
  • Dewitte, O.Albino, F.,  Basimike, J.,  Delvaux, D.,  Salah, D.,  Havenith, H.-B.,  Kervyn, F.,  Kubwimana, D.,  Michellier, C.,  Mugisho, E.,  Nahimana, L.,  Ndayesenga, A.,  Ngenzebuhoro, C.,  Nkunzimana, A.,  Nkurunziza, P.,  Nzolang, C.,  Sabushimike, J.-M. & Trefois, Ph. 2013. ‘Landslide hazard in the North Tanganyika - Kivu rift zones: current knowledge and research perspectives’. 2nd AVCOR meeting Active volcanism and Continental rifting with special focus on the Kivu rift zone. November 12-15, Gisenyi (Rwanda). Book of abstracts.
  • Delvaux, D.Kervyn, F.,  Mulumba, J.-L.,  Kipata, M.L.,  Sebagenzi, M.N.,  Mavonga, G.T.,  Macheyeki, A.S. & Temu, E.B. 2013. ‘Sismotectonics in the western branch of the East African Rift System’. EGU General Assembly 2013, Vienna. Book of abstracts, geophysical research abstracts, 15. EGU2013-2307.
  • Delvaux, D.Kervyn, F. & Mumumba, J.-L. 2013. ‘Active tectonics in the western branch of the East African Rift System’. 24rd Colloquium of African Geology, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, January 8-14, 2013. Book of abstracts, abstract volume. 267.
  • Michellier, C.,  Van Thournout, L.,  Kervyn, F. & Dramaix, M. 2013. ‘An attempted assessment of the human health impact of Nyiragongo and Nyamulagira volcanoes SO2-rich plume’. AVCoR 2013. Book of abstracts. Rubavu.