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Dewitte, O., Albino, F., Basimike, J., Delvaux, D., Salah, D., Havenith, H.-B., Kervyn, F., Kubwimana, D., Michellier, C., Mugisho, E., Nahimana, L., Ndayesenga, A., Ngenzebuhoro, C., Nkunzimana, A., Nkurunziza, P., Nzolang, C., Sabushimike, J.-M. & Trefois, Ph. 2013. ‘Landslide hazard in the North Tanganyika - Kivu rift zones: current knowledge and research perspectives’. 2nd AVCOR meeting Active volcanism and Continental rifting with special focus on the Kivu rift zone. November 12-15, Gisenyi (Rwanda). Book of abstracts.
Conference abstract
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