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  • Monsieurs, E.Jacobs, L.Kervyn, F.,  Kirschbaum, D.,  d’Oreye, N.,  Derauw, D.,  Kervyn, M.,  Nobile, A.Trefois, P. & Dewitte, O. 2015. ‘A methodology to track temporal dynamics and rainfall thresholds of landslide processes in the East African Rift’. Geophysical Research Abstracts 17, EGU2015-5969, EGU General Assembly, 12 - 17 April 2015. Book of abstracts. Vienna.
  • Dewitte, O.Albino, F.,  Basimike, J.,  Cirhuza, R.,  Delvaux, D.,  Draidia, S.,  Hamenyimana, J.-B.,  Havenith, H.-B.,  Kervyn, F.,  Kubwimana, D.,  Maki Mateso, J.-C.,  Michellier, C.,  Nahimana, L.,  Ndayisenga, A.,  Ngenzebuhoro, P.-C.,  Nkunzimana, A.,  Nkurunziza, P.,  Nshokano, J.-R.,  Sabushimike, J.-M.,  Simuzeye, T.,  Sindayihebura, B. & Trefois, P. 2014. ‘Landslide in the North Tanganyika - Kivu rift zones: towards a regional hazard assessment’. Young Researchers Overseas - Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences, 16 December 2014. Book of abstracts. Brussels.
  • Jacobs, L.Dewitte, O.,  Poesen, J. & Kervyn, M. 2014. ‘A first landslide inventory in the Rwenzori Mountains, Uganda: towards landslide susceptibility and hazard analysis’. Young Researchers Overseas - Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences, 16 December 2014. Book of abstracts. Brussels.
  • Jacobs, L.Dewitte, O.,  Poesen, J. & Kervyn, M. 2014. ‘A first landslide inventory in the Rwenzori Mountains, Uganda: towards landslide susceptibility and hazard analysis’. BAG Day of young researchers, University of Liège, 13 November 2014. Book of abstracts. Liège.
  • Bosco, C.,  de Rigo, D. & Dewitte, O. 2014. ‘Visual Validation of the e-RUSLE Model Applied at the Pan-European Scale’. Scientific Topics Focus 1, MRI-11a13. Notes Transdiscipl. Model. Env., Maieutike Research Initiative. DOI: doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.844627. URL:
  • Monsieurs, E.,  Nyssen, J.,  Verhoest, N.,  Dessie, M.,  Adgo, E.,  Deckers, J. & Poesen, J. 2014. ‘Land surface drainage and gully development in Ethiopia’. Young Researchers Overseas’ Day of the Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences. Book of abstracts.
  • Monsieurs, E.,  Nyssen, J.,  Verhoest, N.,  Dessie, M.,  Adgo, E.,  Deckers, J. & Poesen, J. 2014. ‘The use of drainage furrows and its implication for gully development in Lake Tana basin, Ethiopia’. 8th symposium of Ghent Africa Platform. Book of abstracts.
  • Nyssen, J.,  Dessie, M.,  Monsieurs, E.,  Poesen, J.,  Admasu, T.,  Verhoest, V.,  Adgo, E. & Deckers, J. 2014. ‘Overland flow generation on deep soils in Ethiopia (Lake Tana basin): role of soil texture and plough pan’. EGU General Assambly 2014. Book of abstracts.
  • Omasombo, J.,  Kisonga Kasyulwe, D.,  Léonard, G.Simons, E.Krawczyk, J. & Laghmouch, M. 2014. Tanganyika. Espace fécondé par le lac et le rail. Series ‘Monographies des provinces de la RD Congo’, vol. 7. Tervuren : KMMA. 458 p. ISBN: 978-9-4916-1587-0.
  • Omasombo, J.,  Akude, JdD.,  Stroobant, E.,  Kumbatulu, C.,  Simons, E.Zana Etambala, M. & Laghmouch, M. 2014. Bas-Uele. Pouvoirs locaux et économie agricole : héritages d’un passé brouillé. Series ‘Monographie des provinces congolaises’, vol. 6. Tervuren : KMMA. 516 p. ISBN: 978-9-4916-1586-3.