Veyret-Picon, M., Nyssen, J., Poesen, J., Moeyersons, J., Mitiku , H. & Deckers, J. 2004. ‘L’effet de l’affectation du sol sur l’origine du ravin de Dingilet (Ethiopie du Nord)’. Bulletin du Réseau Erosion 23: 50-59. IRD Montpellier.
Article in a scientific Journal / Article in a Journal
In the northern Ethiopian Highlands, gullying is caused by a lowering of the soils’ infiltration capacity
and particularly the decreasing protective role of the vegetation. Through a reconstruction of the
evolution of a large gully over the last decades, this statement has been verified. Written records being
unavailable, the long-term gully evolution is established using specific interview techniques, borrowed
from Participatory Rural Appraisal methods. Completed with three year gully cross-section
measurements by theodolite, reliable information on the gully development was obtained.
‘The growth of the gully was sigmoidal in time. The initiation of the gully is due to human impact, i.e.
land caver changes and eucalyptus plantation, but its rapid subsequent development has been triggered
by a dry spell (1979-1990). Nowadays, the soi1 and water conservation measures lower the guïly
development rate.