Abdrakhmatov, K., Havenith, H.B., Delvaux, D., Jongmans, D. & Trefois, P. 2003. ‘Probabilistic PGA and Arias Intensity maps of Kyrgyzstan (Central Asia)’. Journal of Seismology 7: 203-220. Springer. I.F. 1.091.
Article dans une revue scientifique / Article dans un périodique
New probabilistic seismic hazard and Arias Intensity maps have been developed for the territory of the Kyrgyz
Republic and bordering regions. Data were mainly taken from the seismic catalogue of Kyrgyzstan and partly from
the world seismic catalogue. On the base of seismicity and active tectonics, seismic zones were outlined over the
area. For these, Gutenberg-Richter laws were defined using mainly instrumental data, but regarding also historical
events. Attenuation of acceleration inside the target area could not be determined experimentally since existing
strong motion data are insufficient. Therefore, empirical laws defined for other territories, principally Europe and
China, were applied to the present hazard computations. Final maps were calculated with the SEISRISKIII program
according to EUROCODE8 criteria, i.e. for a period of 50 years with 90% probability of non-exceedance. For longterm
prediction, 100 yearsmapswith 90% probability of non-exceedance have been developed. The procedure used
for seismic hazard prediction in terms of PGA (Peak Ground Acceleration) was also applied to Arias intensities in
order to be able to define regional seismogenic landslide hazard maps